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Churches in Tokyo

Things to Do in Tokyo 910
Churches in Tokyo

Tokyo is a city with a mixture of religions. Some foreign tourists want to worship at a church while other may want to hold romantic weddings when visiting Tokyo. Today, churched has added a unique feature to the city that Tokyo does not only have historical architectures and modern skyscrapers, but also different churches such as Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo, Catholic Kanda Church, and Holy Resurrection Cathedral. So what are the famous churches in Tokyo? And their address and opening hours? Here is a brief introduction to the famous churches in Tokyo.

Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo
Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo is the main church of all the Catholic Church in Tokyo. With beautiful designs and supported by stainless steel, the church is created by architect Tange Kenzo. In 1899, the church was created as an affiliated church of the French Language School of Notre Dame. The original Gothic wooden church was burnt down during an air raid in 1945, and it was restored later as Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo.
Address: 3 Chome-16-15 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo
Opening hours: 9 am to 5 pm

Catholic Kanda Church
Catholic Kanda Church is one of the earliest churches built in Japan after the introduction of Christianity. Located between Kanda River and Tokyo Imperial Palace, it is one of the oldest Catholic churches in Tokyo. Because of its beautiful design, it is registered as a tangible cultural heritage of Japan. In the 12th year of Taisho, the church was burnt by fire, and the existing building was rebuilt in the 3rd year of the Showa era. Today, it becomes a popular choice for wedding.
Address: 1 Chome-1-12 Nishikanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo
Opening hours: 10:00~16:00 (Not open on Monday)

Holy Resurrection Cathedral
Holy Resurrection Cathedral belongs to the Orthodox Church and has a distinctive Byzantine style. The existing building was restored after the Great Kanto Earthquake, and it remains as the oldest stone building in Japan. The Holy Resurrection Cathedral was built in 1891 and was designated as an important national cultural heritage in 1962. Holy Resurrection Cathedral is located in Chiyoda-ku among the urban skyscrapers.
Address: 4-1-3 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, Tokyo
Opening hours: 13:00 pm to 16:00 pm (not open on Monday)

Ando Memorial Church
Ando Memorial Church is located in the embassy district of Azabujuban. The church is exquisite covered by vines, appearing to be a hut in a jungle. Founder Tadao ando used to be the Japanese ambassador to Hawaii. After returning home, he spent all his money to build this church. It was officially completed in 1917 and has been a precious stone building in Tokyo for more than 100 years. The huge glass window, designed by the art master Ogawa SanZhi and imported from Hawaii, is especially precious with the blessing from Hawaii.
Address: 2 Chome-14-16 Motoazabu, Minato City, Tokyo
Opening Hours: Sunday, Sunday, Sunday 11:00~12:00

Old Cathedral of St. Joseph
Old Cathedral of St. Joseph was the first Catholic Church in Tokyo.  From 1877 to 1920, it served as headquarter of the Catholic Cathedral. The Greek style pillars, like the Parthenon, are made from wood. Both the texture and the design are impressive. The church was burnt down during World War II during the Tokyo air raid, and the existing building was rebuilt in the Showa era. The church is currently designated as a historical building and a cultural heritage in the Chuo Ward.
Address: 5-26 Akashicho, Chuo City, Tokyo
Opening hours: Mass time Monday to Friday 10:00, Saturday 18:00, Sunday 9:30

Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the famous churches in Tokyo?
    When visiting Tokyo, you can not only find ancient buildings and modern skyscrapers, but also unique churches such as Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo, Catholic Kanda Church, and Holy Resurrection Cathedral.
  • Where is Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo located?
    Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo is the main church of all the Catholic Church in Tokyo. The address is 3 Chome-16-15 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo. Opening hours: Opening hours: 9 am to 5 pm, free entry.
  • When does Catholic Kanda Church open?
    Catholic Kanda Church is one of the oldest Catholic churches in Tokyo. Address: 1 Chome-1-12 Nishikanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo. Opening hours: 10:00 am ~ 4:00 pm (closed on Monday) free entry. If funerals, weddings and other ceremonies are held, the visit may be declined.
  • Is Ando Memorial Church worth visiting?
    Ando Memorial Church is located in the embassy district of Azabujuban, appearing to be a hut in a jungle. The huge glass window, designed by the art master Ogawa SanZhi and imported from Hawaii, is especially precious with the blessing from Hawaii. Thus, it is well worth visiting.
  • What is mass performed by Old Cathedral of St. Joseph?
    Old Cathedral of St. Joseph is Tokyo ’s first Catholic church, designated as a historic building and a cultural heritage in the Chuo Ward. Address: 5-26 Akashicho, Chuo City, Tokyo. Opening hours: Mass time Monday to Friday 10:00, Saturday 18:00, Sunday 9:30. Free entry.
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